Conferences, Symposia
& Workshops

· AIAA Conferences and Meetings - Listing of conferences and meetings sponsored by the AIAA.

· Aerospace Imformation Management - Europe: Seminars - European one-day seminars. "Feature presentations and focus group discussions led by the AIM-EU project team."

· Asian Conference Summary - Information about forthcoming scientific and technical conferences which will be held in Asia.

· Aviation-Landings - Go to 'Airshows/Events' for an extensive listing of airshows, conferences, etc.

· Conferences in Europe - Information about forthcoming scientific and technical conferences in Europe in cronological order. Also provides an extensive list of sites of conference information (arranged by subject) elsewhere on the WWW.

· The Electrochemical Society - Meeting dates and locations of The Electrochemical Society in the fields of electrochemical and solid state science and technology.

· UNISPACE III  - The Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III) will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 19-30 July 1999.

· AIAA's 1st Planetary Defense Conference:  - Protecting Earth from Asteroids, 23 - 26 February 2004.

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